Bean Counters Financial Services



About Us


Bean Counters Financial Services Inc. (BCFS) was formed in January of 2018. We are a consultant-style organization founded on the premise that accounting and information technology can and should work together.  Technological advances and nearly universal use of digital accounting systems have spawned the need for hybrid businesses to bridge the gap between the IT and Finance departments. The "Bean Counters" (consultants) of BCFS provide guidance and support for today’s complex accounting systems. Unlike most system implementation businesses that are comprised of IT individuals with a sprinkling of accountants, BCFS is founded and operated by accountants trained in the field of system operation and development. This helps us provide our clients with the best services possible both in the financial and financial technology sectors.


The Bean Counters


Hannah Jozwiak, President

Hannah started her career as a business major at a small, local college in southern New Hampshire. All business majors study basic accounting at some point in their degree and Hannah fell in love with the field from her very first class. She graduated with a 4.0 GPA and degrees in both Business Administration and Accounting. Since then, Hannah has developed her skills in IT and Accounting by acting as system administrator and developer as well as returning to graduate school to attain a Master’s in Accounting. Her flare for all things technical, her obsession with accuracy, and her love of accounting, puzzles, and balance have all culminated to make her the perfect candidate to lead this unique firm.

People always ask me, ‘Were you funny as a child?’ Well no, I was an accountant.
— Ellen Degeneres

Bethany Jozwiak, CEO

Bethany, like her sister, has an affinity for puzzles and a love of numbers. However, the field of accounting most certainly was not her first choice. She graduated summa cum laude from Liberty University with a degree in Business Administration specializing in finance. After several years working as an operations manager, Bethany accepted a position in the finance department of a local business and became the lead administrator in charge of implementing a multinational financial system for the organization and its five European branches. It was here that she discovered her unexpected love and knack for accounting. As a result, Bethany returned to Liberty University to study graduate level accounting and received her Master of Science in Accounting in Winter of 2019. 

Creativity is great- but not in accounting.
— Charles Scott