Bean Counters Financial Services



Happy Clients

It was a pleasure working with Bethany. During our initial meeting she actively listened to what the project required and responded with insightful questions and suggestions. The work she was able to do for us freed up limited resources and moved the project forward at a quicker pace. I look forward to working with Bean Counters in the future.
— Elizabeth G.

Project Descriptions


Non-Profit Human Services Group, Lawrence, MA

Microsoft Excel was utilized to create an interactive web design. Each sheet of the workbook represented a page of the future website including interactive links, dropdown menus, and other features that mimicked the behavior of a webpage. The purpose of the project was to create a template that a web design group could follow in the coding and creation of a website.

Bean Counters was selected for its extensive knowledge of Microsoft Excel, cross-industry knowledge and versatility , as well as the reputation of its consultants who can intuitively understand client needs, think on their feet, and create new and innovative solutions to unique problems and situations.


Technology Developer and Retailer, Andover, MA

Although this project originally began as a system changeover, the needs of this group rapidly changed when they were acquired by a multi-billion dollar corporation. One aspect of the acquisition was the requirement of a 3 day month end close. Bean Counters used custom written
Excel macros and other advanced functionality to reduce financial processing time of month-end transactions by 70%. In addition to saving time and money, this reduction created space and opportunity for greater financial review, discovery of problem areas, and much needed accuracy in the monthly financial statements.

The transition of bookkeeping, accounting services, and special reporting projects to Bean Counters allowed the client to begin its integration to corporate systems, discover and correct problem areas or inaccuracies in its systems and financials, as well as allow for expansion of the business into new sales channels and opportunities.


Non-Profit Human Services Group, Lawrence, MA

Based on the success of its first contract with Bean Counters in early 2018, this group returned to Bean Counters in late 2018 to launch a project which would fill the need for a consolidated financial department handbook. The business was undergoing a merger and needed updated, consolidated documentation of internal financial department processes.

Over the term of the contract, Bean Counters reviewed and documented current processes, offered advice for updates and improvements where necessary, and ultimately created process and policy documentation in the form of a financial department handbook.


Management Company- Real Estate, Massachusetts

This client owns a string of building that contain both residential and commercial rental units. Each building possesses its own corporate identity and the goal of this project was to bring all companies under the umbrella of a single management company. The purpose of this endeavor was to allow the use of a single common accounting system, correct any issues or errors in the financials, and optimize the efficiency of the accounting process in order to create room for future growth. Thus far, eight companies have been integrated into the common system and plans are in place to grow the overall business by 150% over the next year. Although all transactions for all companies are booked to a common system, each business must retain its individual corporate identity and as such the custom system setup has been designed to allow financial statement generation by corporate identity. Bean Counters now manages all accounting and new company financial implementation duties for the business, allowing the owner freedom to pursue additional business opportunities.