Bean Counters Financial Services

Technology Services


 Technology Services

+ Paper to Digital Accounting Transitional Services

With modern advances in computer hardware/software, digital storage, and cloud-based services including data redundancy and recovery, it becomes increasingly obvious that the paper-based accounting practices are a thing of the past. Despite these advances, few individuals or departments possess the knowledge or bandwidth to convert paper processes to a digital structure. Bean Counters fills this vital gap at numerous levels. Whether you need someone to help or guide process conversion, digitize historic documents, or audit your digital process for risks and failures, Bean Counters will do what needs to be done to make your process efficient, digital, and secure. These changes ultimately save you time and money both in the short-term and long-term. If you are not currently on a fully digital financial platform, please contact us to discuss the various ways we can help you. Our planet and future generations will be grateful.

+ Financial System Selection & Implementation

Choosing an accounting system is never as simple a process as one might hope. Each software comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages which translate to either great success or great headache depending on the selection fit. Bean Counters offers a selection of services from software evaluation and selection to step-by-step implementation support. Because we understand how systems are built as well as the many strengths and weaknesses of the most popular systems, Bean Counters consultants can help you choose the software(s) that is right for you.

+ Process & System Customization

Choosing the right software is the first of many steps necessary to complete a successful accounting system launch. But what comes next? If you are one of the lucky few able to understand and use the software “right out of the box”, wonderful! Unfortunately, many businesses find they need assistance to setup, adapt, and the learn to use their chosen software. Whatever your need, Bean Counters will provide the necessary support to make your implementation a success. We’ll work with users to alter processes to fit the new system and liaise with developers to make sure you get the customizations you need (without paying for ones you don’t). Properly designed and utilized software can and should save you time, money, and headaches. Don’t worry, we’ve learned the process and lingo, so you don’t have to.

+ Financial Systems Transitions

Whether you find yourself in an unsatisfactory accounting system or just discover you’ve outgrown your first choice, many businesses face the daunting challenge of a financial system transition. Selecting and customizing a system prepare the software to meet your needs. Transitioning to the software requires migration of data, extensive testing, and employee training. Bean Counters assists our clients with their transitions by designing high-level and detailed task lists that outline the transition steps to ensure software conversion is completed carefully and successfully. This service is often accompanied by Employee Training & Process Documentation to ensure not only that the transition is completed smoothly, but that the new system keeps working long into the future. Changing financial software is tricky, but Bean Counters will be there every step of the way.

+ System Management & Maintenance

While many financial systems use a “setup and go” strategy, more complex systems often require a degree of maintenance to stay current and operational. Bean Counters provides varying degrees of system management and maintenance depending on software and client needs. Scheduling recurring maintenance helps ensure your system is kept up-to-date and ready to use.

+ Third-Party Add-On Tool Integration

Even with the advanced systems that exist today and the extensive ability to customize financial systems, many businesses still find they need more than what their accounting or ERP system can provide. Whether it be timekeeping integration, advanced reporting, shipping centers, or credit card processing tools, Bean Counters will source, test, and implement third-party software to bridge the gap of system capability and client needs.

+ Employee Training & Process Documentation

No system or software can be successful if those responsible for maintaining information don’t know how to use it. Bean Counters provides customized, interactive training sessions that help users feel confident in their software and processes. Unlike typical training styles, Bean Counters utilizes a unique approach to employee training and documentation. We begin by scheduling 3 hour or less online meetings. This timeframe ensures users remain engaged and properly absorb the necessary information. Furthermore, these interactive training sessions – which include opportunities for user questions and real-time transaction testing – are recorded and provided as support files to the process documentation. This way users can reference prior training sessions when necessary and new employees can be trained without the need to schedule new training times. Additionally, our training sessions use real transactions that help employees get a feel for how their system really works.

Finally, Bean Counters consultants that specialize in process documentation will utilize the training videos to create custom documentation for your business. These instructions will guide users step-by-step with helpful screenshots to ensure tasks are completed correctly, consistently, and confidently. After all, even the best system cannot be successful unless everyone involved knows how to use it.

+ Standard Report Packages

Although basic reporting needs can and will differ from business to business, the consultants at Bean Counters believe there is a standard level of information that every business should have to monitor the health of the company and knowledgably plan for its future. These reports include the basic financial statements that can be found in most accounting systems (Income Statement – aka a Profit and Loss statement, Balance Sheet, Accounts Receivable Aging, Accounts Payable Aging, and Trial Balance). Additionally, all businesses should have a good understanding of their Cash Flow, Inventory Turnover (when applicable), and Product or Services Cost Analysis. Bean Counters helps its clients attain this standard information by leveraging the reporting capabilities of financial systems and other common third-party tools. If necessary information cannot be achieved by these means, Bean Counters offers custom reporting services to make sure information is available when and where you need it.

+ Custom Report Generation

Information is indeed power and financial information is especially powerful when it comes to the successful operation of a business. For many businesses standard reports are simply not enough since they cannot provide insight into the non-standard facets of a business. That’s why Bean Counters offers custom reporting services to help build reports to put the information at your fingertips that you need to make your business a success. We’ll work with you to understand what data is valuable and what is not. Then we’ll use this information to present your financials in a way that makes sense to you.


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